Should you one day open your eyes
Only to find that death has
introduced themselves to someone
That you love
In the garden your fathers favourite flower
Will blow in the breeze
As if to say what is lost is not gone
It still exists, just in different ways.
You will find the love you have lost
In the world around you.
In mourning your world feels motionless
As if the whole planet has come to a stop
But behind the doors of your grief
Is a world full of life
So invite death round for tea.
Make him welcome in your home.
And plant a flower just for him.
Speak of them often
Speak of loss love and life
Treat death not as a stranger
Only to be addressed when in the room
So that when death comes to visit
And the walls of your life have closed in around you
You may open the door to a world of life
Planted with care
Watered with tears
And welcome death as an old friend
Who takes too much and gives nothing back
Coming to reconnect after time apart.
In The reminders
Of a life that is missing from yours
As you greet death you will find that their love
Ripples through you
Through the plants
Through the breeze
And in everything that you do.